Our Operational Partners
For greater impact, Alissar make sure to work systematically in partnership with local associations and solidarity foundations that have in-depth knowledge of the economic, social and environmental issues facing Lebanon :
- Stand for Women
- Red Oak
- Moasat
- Akkar Network For Development
- Nawaya SE Engineer
- Droubna (agro-écologie)
- Insan
- Fikr w Insan

Our financial partners
Alissar is supported by international institutions and foundations, who have placed their trusts in us :
- Fondation Zovighian
- Toulouse Métropole
- Agence de l’eau Adour Garonne
- AFD Forim
- Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie / Femmes
- Service de coopération & action culturelle de l’Ambassade de France
- Fondation BeMed Monaco
- La Guilde ( AFD)