Volunteering in Lebanon or in France

Volunteering in Lebanon

Alissar is always looking for competent people to support its work in Lebanon.
Do you have marketing, accounting or project management skills, and would you like to help men and women develop their social micro-enterprise?
Are you an expert in social media?
Do you have a few hours a month to devote to the Lebanon of tomorrow? Don’t hesitate to contact us! We would love to hear from you!

Volunteering in France

Do you enjoy the challenge of raising funds from institutions, foundations or individuals? Organising events to promote Alissar’s commitment to the Lebanon of tomorrow? Represent the association in the various associative and institutional solidarity networks in Occitanie?
Do you have a few hours a month to devote to the Lebanon of tomorrow? Don’t hesitate to contact us! We’d love to hear from you!


Your donations, even modest, enable us to provide direct support to an entrepreneur with a micro enterprise project, or to participate in the financing of a project set up by Alissar and its operational partners: commitment paths, vocational trainings, etc.

Your contributions are essential to ensure that the social and solidarity initiatives implemented are sustainable.